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Good outdoor advertising works all year round, in the heat, rain, snow, and cold. Living signage or dynamic systems from sequins endure all the advertising life. Advertising with paillettes
attracts attention with its unusual effect. It does not need constant care and power supply, and it is able to work for several years without losing the original appearance.
Billboards flooded the streets of cities and busy highways. They became part of the landscape, merging into one color kaleidoscope. Advertising on billboards with sequins
looks advantageous against this background. Sequins are able to attract attention, forcing the advertising picture to come to life.
That is why live advertising has become so popular, and sequins successfully help businesses sell products and services.
A special design called a press wall helps to raise the status of any official event. Usually it is placed in the background. At the wedding for the organization of photo shoots and video shooting also used a similar design. It can be made from sequins and then it is called a shimmer wall or a sequins wall. But its design may be completely different.
A few years ago, guests could be surprised by a wedding arch of fresh flowers. Now wedding decorators have to work hard to produce a real effect. A wedding decor is one of the most expressive elements of the celebration, which every season reflects the development of the entire wedding industry and world trends. Accordingly, the technology and materials for its creation are not standing still.
One of the stylish solution could be the use of SolaAir sequins walls. These panels will literally make your celebration brilliant and unique!
Nothing quickens sales better like a good advertising. As an outdoor advertising, dynamic designs from sequins are gaining popularity today. A shimmer wall
or a sequins wall, a banner, and a billboard made from sequins attract potential buyers stronger than ordinary static images, no matter how creative and flashy they may be. Because it’s hard for people to see in the flow of information exactly what they need.
Surely you have already seen these dynamic constructions in action. They are panels in which sequins are fixed. That sequins are ideal for advertising and festive decoration of the city, to decorate the premises and placards. These are pieces of plastic, suspended on a special holder. It allows the sequin to swing freely with the slightest breeze of the wind, or even just with vibration. This holder does not allow sequins to fly away with a strong wind.
Summer is coming. So it begins the season of weddings with exit registration, corporate parties, anniversaries and holidays in nature. A brilliant wall of sequins will help create a really interesting corner for a photo shoot or chat with guests. Sequins is a living mosaic that creates a special festive atmosphere. This is a game of light and color, the refraction of sunlight and constant movement, which helps the designer to implement the most daring solutions for an exclusive photo zone. SolaAir company creates panels for the shimmer and brand walls.
It is not true that good, interesting photos from a children's holiday are only needed by parents. Of course, for the sake of children, they are ready to order a photo zone, and to organize a video shooting. But then, after a month or a year, the children enjoy watching these photos. Because the best gift for a children's holiday is good impressions, emotions and memories. A good shimmer wall helps to make unique photos, capture magic and catch emotions.
SolaAir™ is the leading manufacturer of dynamic reflective panels meant for decorative and advertising structures. The “Reflective Technology” Company has extended the line of products, manufactured under its own trademark of SolaAir. Currently the assortment of this enterprise includes three types of reflective panels.
How to attract more clients to your business and be always in the foreground – the opinion of Denis Sagidullin, the “Indigo-Signs” founder
- Nowadays it is very difficult to make any kind of advertising which will not get lost among great amount of other visual advertising information. Is it possible to differentiate oneself from others and become recognized?
Recently, there became rather popular in our country the technology of living signs with air active paillettes. We asked the founder of “Reflective Technology”/SolaAir company Denis Sagidullin to tell us about current activities of the company and future prospects in this sphere.
This question never becomes out-of-date, it just assumes a new meaning in the course of time. Some persons think that a buyer cannot pass by and take no notice of any technological solutions, - is it possible to ignore a robot, for instance? Others try to “attack” the audience with large-scale and expensive design structures. They think: “Such giant beauty cannot be unnoticed”. However almost all existing solutions can hardly be distinguished among the great volume of advertising facilities, which are available and surround poor buyers everywhere. Even the most sophisticated solutions are perceived by them as “white noise”.