Shimmer wall for your business
Nothing quickens sales better like a good advertising. As an outdoor advertising, dynamic designs from sequins are gaining popularity today. A shimmer wall or a sequins wall, a banner, and a billboard made from sequins attract potential buyers stronger than ordinary static images, no matter how creative and flashy they may be. Because it’s hard for people to see in the flow of information exactly what they need.
Live ads are panels with sequins, pieces of plastic, on which the image is applied. Since the sequins are not rigidly fixed in their nest, they begin to sway at the slightest breath of air or vibration, causing the picture on them to come to life.
Shimmer wall from sequins
Unlike LCD monitors, shimmer wall does not need electricity for the magic of movement. The unpredictability of the moment of reviving advertising adds make an intrigue. Even when you see such an advertisement not for the first time, a “reviving” picture is always an unexpected event.
The live advertising is not a panacea for failure in promoting your services or products. Like any information channel, it requires a special approach to its creation. It requires:
- original design, taking into account the features of the dynamic design;
- selection of the shape and number of sequins in the panel;
- proper use of the image dynamics: the entire “canvas” or only a part
If you need a live sign, you should not use the entire surface, but make some part of the advertising image dynamic, create an accent, reinforcing, thereby the effect of surprise.
To shimmer wall on the facade you need round sequins and a design without small details. For more smooth movement of the picture in the panels should be a greater number of sequins.
Today, the shimmer wall is available to businesses in any city in Europe. You can buy a ready-made solution or order an individual project from a company that has the best combination of price and quality, which guarantees the reliability and durability of dynamic designs from sequins.
You can always use the magic of sequins to draw attention to your offer. The optimal price, proven efficiency and reliability of dynamic advertising, consultation during the preparation of the design are exactly what you need. The live ads will revitalize sales and lead new customers.
You can see in this photos and video examples of shimmer walls made by our company.