Scintillating and living panels: simple design solution helps to communicate with buyers in the right manner
How can we attract buyers’ attention?
This question never becomes out-of-date, it just assumes a new meaning in the course of time. Some persons think that a buyer cannot pass by and take no notice of any technological solutions, - is it possible to ignore a robot, for instance? Others try to “attack” the audience with large-scale and expensive design structures. They think: “Such giant beauty cannot be unnoticed”. However almost all existing solutions can hardly be distinguished among the great volume of advertising facilities, which are available and surround poor buyers everywhere. Even the most sophisticated solutions are perceived by them as “white noise”.
Moreover, the technologies and advertising structures have at least two essential disadvantages, - they provide no opportunity for prompt renewal and require much investments. So, search for any efficient, attractive, accessible and mobile solution still remains of great current interest.
This is important both for the large business, which is more and more concerned about optimization of investments into advertising in the conditions of sales decline, and for small companies, having limited budgets.
Simple solution
The efficient and simple solution, meeting all the above requirements, is represented by the SolaAir technology.
SolaAir – is a unique system, meant for creation of dynamic scintillating structures. The effect of motion and shimmering for the structure is ensured with the help of moving elements, so called sequins, which are flexibly mounted on the base and activated by air flow, creating an integral and constantly moving picture. Such sequins are “waving” and attract attention of the audience. And it is important that the system is completely autonomous, i.e. it requires no power supply, thus saving considerable resources. If required, the resulting structure can be activated additionally by means of directional lighting.
Due to the fact that the products are manufactured by the Russian research-and-production company “Reflective Technology” and all its enterprises are located in Krasnodar, the total cycle from ordering to final installation of structures takes rather short time period. This ensures that a customer is able to make prompt changes in design of external and interior elements of a shop or salon.
The company manufactures three types of products: Standard, Pixel, Bit, under its own patented SolaAir™ brand. All panels consist of a base – either monolithic or latticed, having mounting holes. It should be mentioned that such panels are practically as light as a feather, weighing from 30 to 150 grams, therefore they can be installed on surfaces of any thickness and strength.
With the help of these panels the clients can put into practice any ideas by choosing wide range of colors and design solutions for their images. Thus, although based on rather limited set of visual means, as one could think, there exist a plenty of final design versions. And even when positioned not far from each other, the shop-windows and interior elements, decorated with such panels, shall look quite original and attractive.
Another issue concerns promotional actions when retailers are willing to change the design of shop-windows or advertising panels for a promo period. Duration of such actions is usually not long, therefore it seems unreasonable to spend much money for design changing. As a rule the major part of shops just apply stickers SALE on the windows, which blend into similar signs displayed in the surrounding competitive shop-window.
The innovative SolaAir panels can be used without rigid base plate at all. It takes actually several hours to hang a scintillating and inviting circle or square in area of the most interest of the target audience, thus solving the problem of informing potential buyers of a promo action. Upon termination of a promo period such panel can be easily demounted. If required, it is possible to introduce minimum changes into such structure and use it again and again.
Where to use?
The range of intended use of the SolaAir dynamic panels is limited only by a customer’s imagination.
Due to quality of its material the structure can be installed outdoors and serve as an element of decoration for facades of buildings or entrance units. Temperature swings, autumn rains or frosts make no damage to such panels, they maintain brilliancy and image quality under any environmental conditions, which is not the case for the standard advertising panels. During the fall season the latter loose a great deal of their glossy and bright appearance already after a couple of weeks.
In retail activities the dynamic panels are the most popular when it is necessary to decorate shops on the eve of holidays and attract attention of buyers to holiday sales.
The SolaAir design structures are recognized to be perfect for decoration of reception desks in hotels, beauty salons and registration stands at business and professional conferences. When there are plenty of visitors navigation at the territory often may make difficulties, in such cases the attractive scintillating panels may be helpful to identify the information or contact points and at the same time to create the atmosphere of solemnity and originality of any event.
Panels with sequins may be used also as portable advertising facilities – signs and stands, which can be moved from one place to another. Such version is widely used during exhibitions and presentations. They have the same purpose – to attract attention and establish friendly positive communication with potential clients!
Usage of dynamic panels has the following apparent advantages:
- Operational mobility – due to simple structure design and Russian location of the manufacturer production, delivery and installation of structures are carried out in as short time as possible.
- Cost – availability of great number of varieties of panels, independence of their cost on any changes of currency rate and no need for foreign delivery ensure flexible pricing for final products.
- Resistance to damages – panels are made of flexible, heat- and cold-resistant, resistant to strong wind blowing and sun-proof materials.
- Ease of operation – installation of panels does not require much labour efforts and special skills. Fixation may be carried out not only with the help of self-tapping screws, but also by means of brackets or double-sided adhesive tape.
- Technical support – the SolaAir objective consists not only in production of panels, but also in support of clients on any issues concerning their operation. Specialists of the company provide assistance in implementation of design solutions based on the decorative panels, perform the warranty and promotional support for the customers on the entire territory of Russia.
A number of large companies already make active use of such innovative flexible panels for decoration of shop-windows. Retailers notice that new-looking window displays attract the audience and contribute to growth of sales.
The SolaAir solutions persuade us over again that it is not necessary that efficient design solutions should be cumbrous and expensive. Dynamics, brilliance, variety and simple operation – such features make dynamic panels an interesting instrument for proper and responsive communication with the audience.