What kind of business is a living sequin sign suitable for?
Among the possible channels for promoting goods and services for many areas of business, outdoor advertising is still one of the main ones. It must be effective and attract attention. A good way to do this is with a living sequin sign. The company "Technology Reflection" makes advertising using sequins.
It is no secret that a good sign for a store, salon or office brings buyers more often than a regular one. The sequin sign differs from all other methods of visualization and advertising in that it creates the effect of movement, "animates" the advertising surface without the use of liquid crystal panels, LEDs or even electricity. For the sequins to come in motion, a light breeze or even just vibration from a car passing by is enough.
Who will benefit from a sequin advertising sign?
The dynamic panel is made up of hundreds of almost weightless pieces of plastic that are securely attached to the surface. They are coated with an image or one colour or a special mirror coating. Sequins swaying in the wind make the advertising surface move. And if a mirror coating is applied to them, they create a beautiful effect of light refraction, scattering light splashes, letting out sunbeams.
Agree, you will not pass by such a sign indifferently. It beckons, catches the eye, makes you stop to see what is depicted on the sign.
This dynamic sequin sign is perfect for:
- a clothing or footwear store, household goods or a communication salon. The sign is visible from afar. Together with a recognizable brand and a good advertising idea, a slogan, this will help to increase the number of visitors and buyers;
- hairdressing salon, beauty salon, fitness centre. Those who look after themselves, strive to look good, will definitely come if you have such a stylish sequin sign. It is like a lighthouse in the endless sea of people and cars, showing the way to good services;
- restaurant or cafe, nightclub, theatre. After all, each visitor evaluates the institution primarily by its facade, sign. This means that the sign should be attractive, stylish, and unusual enough to interest a sophisticated client. The best option for these establishments would be a shiny sequin sign.
It will be logical to ask how reliable, durable and affordable such a living sign made of sequins is. The manufacturer gives a two-year warranty. In fact, dynamic panel signage can last much longer. Because sequins have a special coating that protects against ultraviolet radiation, moisture and low temperatures. The mounts hold them securely in place, preventing them from flying around your sign in strong winds. You can choose the colour and shape that the sequins will have for the sign. You can always buy a creative sign with worldwide delivery.
The production time and cost of the sign depend, first of all, on its size, the number of sequins in the panel, the coating used (several colours or one). You can order a sequin sign on the company's website with delivery to any country as soon as possible. A creative sequin signboard will help your business. Its price is lower, and its effectiveness is higher than that of any conventional static advertising.