Order an advertising sign from the manufacturer
A bright, memorable sign is half of the success in sales. You do not need to search for a long time and choose which one to order an advertising sign in order to make a profit, attract new customers and retain regular customers. A sequin sign is just what you need. This is a structure consisting of dynamic reflective panels and is fully consistent with the main task - to attract the attention of a potential client. Our company is the only company in Russia that offers such designs at the best price, guaranteeing their quality and reliability. We deliver orders all over the world.
Sequin sign for good sales
The Dynamic Panel is a lightweight and flexible frame with a special sequin mount. These are specially coated pieces of plastic. They can be coated with an image or a reflective monochromatic layer. Almost weightless sequins rotate freely under the influence of a small flow of air. When they come into motion, they create the effect of a picture coming to life or, if a reflective coating is applied, they scatter glare, splashes, and streams of light. Thus, your static sign turns into a "live" one, an advertising picture, slogan, emblem are set in motion simply by a draft or even by air vibration.
The attention of your clients will surely be attracted by such lively sequins. Signage using dynamic panels is more effective and affordable compared to other types of outdoor advertising (lightboxes, LCD monitors, etc.).
Before ordering an advertising sign, you should pay attention to some of its features:
- Sequins can be of different shapes (round, square, rectangular). Their shape is chosen depending on the area and location of the sign;
- The smoother the effect of the animated picture you want to get, the more sequins should be in each dynamic panel;
- It is not necessary to make the entire sign from dynamic panels. It is quite enough, to attract attention, to highlight with its help: name or logo, slogan, advertising image;
- A designer creating a graphic image for your sign must take into account the peculiarities of the dynamic design, how it will look from a distance and choose the right colour scheme.
- The price depends, first of all, on the area of the structure, the number of sequins and the choice of coverage.
So, you need this kind of creative signage. It is easier and cheaper to order it from the manufacturer than through intermediaries. Your sequin sign can be made and sent in a short time according to a pre-agreed layout with worldwide delivery. We have branches in many countries. Choose quality, reliability and efficiency.