Order a sequin photo zone for the holiday in advance
If you are involved in organizing holidays, then you know that the next two months promise a lot of reasons for celebration: family or corporate. The main thing is not to forget that every holiday needs a good photo zone. At the same time, a good photo zone needs panels with sequins. And then your holiday will surely be remembered. After all, a good photo or video is a great way to cheer up even on the coldest and rainiest day. A photo zone with sequins helps turn a photo shoot and video shoot against its background into real magic.
Why a photo zone made of sequins?
Why are photo zones with sequins so good that today companies and individuals order them to decorate the holidays?
- Create the effect of movement or reflection of light without the use of electrical energy. Choosing the right panels with sequins is enough to get real magic.
- Photo zones can be used indoors and outdoors (there is no need to pull the electric cable that moves the picture).
- A special coating of sequins protects them from fading in bright sun, high humidity, and low and high temperatures.
- Combining the movement or reflection of light from sequin panels with the skill of the photo booth designer, photographer, and videographer allows for better results than just a photo shoot against a static background.
Find out the price and make an order
Until now, perhaps the only manufacturer responsible for the quality and reliability of its panels is the SolaAir company "Technology Reflection". It offers a good selection of colors and textures for sequins, designed for outdoor advertising, photo zones, brand walls, and interior design. Each collection of panels has its own characteristics and preferred area of use.
Prepare in advance
Every holiday or public event requires serious preparation. If you decide to order a photo zone with sequins, you should do it in advance: develop a design, a creative idea, and coordinate it with the artist, who will help you choose exactly those sequins that best reflect its uniqueness. You can order any photo zone on our website. The order is completed quite quickly.