buy Sequin Panels, shimmering panels, SolaAir

Many of our clients are well aware of the use of sequin panels in advertising. These shiny, colorful, wind and weather-resistant circles or squares are located on a special mount in blocks. It allows them to rotate freely, but not leave their place. Panels with sequins have proven themselves not only as part of an advertising structure but also in use as an element of scenery. Because they are unusual, durable and inexpensive. In addition, panels with sequins are used in photo zones, interior, and outdoor advertising structures.

Panels with sequins for photos

A beautiful photo is not only a good memory of an event and a person, but also a part of the image, which is important for any company, as it helps to sell and find partners. A good photo is obtained thanks to the skill of the photographer, as well as the choice of location for shooting. Sequin panels are ideal for creating such a place because with their help the photo zone turns from a simple background into a full participant in the event. Due to the peculiarities of their design, sequins demonstrate the effect of movement and reflect any light that falls on them with multi-colored highlights. All this is used to create a certain atmosphere in the shooting location, whether it is a festive, business or personal photo session.

If you order panels with sequins for a photo zone, you should consider that:

  • The size of the photo zone matters as well as the size, the number of panels in it;
  • When choosing the effect and shape of sequins, their number in the panel, take into account the general concept of the event, and its scenario. Dynamic panels are not just decoration, but an active element of the event;
  • The number of panels and sequins in them affects the effect created by the movement of the image or the reflection of light rays.

Sequin panels for kids

Children love everything unusual and bright. They willingly play and pose against the background of their favorite characters or fairy-tale heroes. If panels with sequins are made for a festive event, there is no doubt about the success of the celebration. Sequins attract with bright colors, they move, scattering sunbeams and splashes of light, and "participate" in children's games, contests, and photo and video shooting at any festive performance. The main thing is to choose and position the dynamic reflective panels with these sequins correctly.

buy advertising panels, sequin panels, SolaAir

Panels with sequins for the interior

A stylish interior design can be created with well-chosen sequin panels. At the same time, it is not necessary that the entire surface of the design element (wall, "picture", "window", rotating structures, etc.) be filled with dynamic panels. A few panels are quite enough to create a certain accent, mood and evoke emotion.

Order or buy

Dynamic panels have a specific size, while sequins have a size, shape and color palette. Clients planning to develop new advertising projects can buy panels with sequins in bulk from the Reflection Technology company. Delivery is made to all countries of the world. The terms of order fulfilment depend on their volume and delivery time.

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