Advertising signs with sequins attract attention

A good sign is half the business's success. After all, its task is to attract new customers and convince them to go to a store, salon, boutique, restaurant, spa, or fitness center. Advertising signs with sequins help in this, perhaps, better than others. There are several reasons why they are in demand and attract people's attention.

Why sequin panels are better

For your sign to be noticed and for people to decide to enter your store, it must be visible. It is not about size but how effectively it fulfills its main task. A good brand name, excellent design, and choice of location for the point of sale of goods or services are the surest components of success. However, in a big city, plenty of advertising banners, signs, screens, and other means of attracting attention. If the sign or advertisement is static, it will in any case lose to one that is in motion. This is the peculiarity of perception when a person reacts faster to movement than an image. As they say, a paper tiger does not scare as much as its moving image does.

What are sequin panels? This is a set of plastic movable elements, not rigidly fixed to a flexible frame. Each panel can be part of an image or have sequins with a shiny, almost mirror-like surface.

Advertising signs with sequinsSince the sequins are fixed softly, they constantly oscillate in three directions, creating the illusion of an image coming to life. Sequins with a mirror coating reflect sunlight or artificial light and scatter sunbeams, glare, and sparks around. Thus, due to movement, advertising signs with sequins attract attention better than static ones. At the same time, such panels with sequins are cheaper to install and maintain compared to LCD panels as an advertising sign.

In addition, panels with sequins:

  • Well protected from temperature changes, moisture, strong wind, and solar ultraviolet radiation;
  • Can be used together with other advertising elements;
  • Do not require a power supply to create the effect of movement (reflection of light);
  • Allow you to create signs of almost any size, format, and design: a good choice of color, shape, and texture of sequins contributes to this

When choosing the design of your new sign, it is worth paying attention to them.

Where to buy sequin panels

These dynamic reflective panels can be purchased or ordered from SolaAir. Today, this is perhaps the only manufacturer that guarantees the quality, reliability, and durability of dynamic panels with sequins for advertising signs, outdoor and indoor advertising, and interior decor. You can order a sign for a store or salon on the company's website. Manufacturing and delivery times are met.

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